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Easter at the Groff’s!

When I was a kid, Easter usually went like this: Katie (my older sister), would wake up an hour before me, collect ALL of the eggs, and maybe leave 3 for me to find in some dark and mysterious corner. But those three eggs were the epicenter of my life for 2o minutes. Long story short…

Easter egg hunts……RULE.

Jenna and Piper know how to throw a party. All of their close friends came over to help search the backyard high and low for colorful eggs filled with gumdrops, suckers, M&Ms, and even money! When I was asked to photograph this event, I thought “Oh nice! This will be cute and fun.” I totally underestimated photographing 20 kids hyped up on chocolate running in all different directions. They only had one thing on their agenda so stopping for a quick photo-op was out of the question. After the Hunt was finished, I found most of the kids hiding behind the house trading eggs; “I’ll give you two red eggs for your big yellow one”…”Mmmm Deal!”.

And get this,….Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny stopped by to say hello!!!! These kids are so lucky. After some bunny lovin’, the kids enjoyed face painting and cupcakes…and Mr. Bunny went to relax by the pool.


Baby Henry has arrived!

The Workman family is proud to announce the arrival of their baby boy, Henry!! At just 8 days old, Henry is proving to be the mellowest baby, with not a care in the world that he had to be my model for an hour. His big brother, Liam, was very interested in watching our photoshoot, but I could tell he is a little apprehensive on taking on the big brother role. Slightly unsure of this tiny being laying in his bed, Liam would come visit Henry…and then run away to go play with his toys which clearly were WAY more interesting. It’s hard not to turn on your baby voice when talking to Henry, (“How’s my sweet sunshine baby booooyyy??”), since he is just so,….TINY! Right as I was about to leave, a hard days work tired out baby Henry as he slowly closed his eyes, and yes, gave a smile before passing out for his nap. h1h3h4h5h6h7h8h9h10h10zresizeh11h11zh12h12zh13h14h14zh17h19h20h22h23h24


Anderson, Vivien - Love it!

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Dana Leonard - Shelly you are incredible

pritha - Shelly- these pictures are so beautiful. Your insight into my children is wonderful also!! Thank you again for capturing this precious time in our lives.

Lizzy and Mike: Engaged!

What a better way to spend an afternoon than with two of your good friends who are head over heels for each other, and photographing their love? In a few short weeks, Lizzy and Mike (or better known as The Compost Kids!) are getting married here in San Diego, and then I think the world is going to explode with sunshine, rainbows, and butterflies. Why? Because that is what I think of when it comes to Lizzy and Mike. Bright, cheerful, energetic, beautiful Lizzy, making a union with gentle, peaceful, intelligent Mike. The world can’t handle it! It’s too much! Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend their wedding (I would have been all up on that second shooting for Tande!), so I made sure to have some special time with the future Mr. and Mrs. before the bid day! We spent the whole afternoon driving up to Ramona on the back roads, to find the most beautiful sunset for their photos. It was a success! Congrats you two! So much love for you both!!



Jason Cardenas - Wow Beba! You both make an amazingly beautiful couple. I love and miss you very much. Congratulations to the both of you. Can’t wait to meet you Mike. May God bless the both of you with a long, and beautiful life together.

Edie - These pictures should be on a magazine. How fun! Thanks for sharing.